Monday, May 5, 2008

TheTrusted Neon ATM Signs

They say money can’t buy everything, but I say we can’t buy without an ATM machine.
ATM machines (short for automated teller machines) have long been a staple in this fast-paced world. Running short of cash on weekends and bank holidays are never a problem anymore as you can withdraw cash almost anywhere with a touch of a few buttons. And how do we know that there’s an ATM around the corner? Yes, thanks to the ever reliable neon ATM signs. These trusted signs direct us to where we withdraw our money in style. Statistics show that an ATM’s usage are largely increased when an neon ATM sign is nearby. It easily grabs the attention of motorists and passersby with its visibly radiant and fiery colors.

Owning a stylish neon ATM sign is a cost effective manner of bringing in foot traffic to you business location. It could also serve a dual-purpose especially when you have a convenient store or gas station business near the ATM machine. Simply put, the ATM sign would not only attract people to use the ATM, but to also shop from the store and buy some gas as well.

Most ATM neon signs are lightweight, easy to use, and ready to plug-in. They come in the usual size of 24’x31”and business owners may choose to either hang it on the window or mount it on walls. Others put it near the counter. Safety measures are taken cared of by the manufacturers of ATM signs because they use safe solid-state transformer.