Monday, December 29, 2008

Flashing Neon Signs

Designing your store for it to appear encouraging so people will buy from you is now an easy step away. In starting a business, of course, we consider advertising and promotions very important. These are the most influencing tools in gaining costumers and increasing product sales. What could be the most informative reminder and persuading technique in the market today? With the many same businesses outside, how can one stand out?

Stop torturing your brain cells because you are about to discover the most effective advertising. Neon Flashing Signs - this could bring guests to your list unexpectedly, and they will, you might even have to extend or branch out in the future. Let us just dig a little deeper about Neon Flashing Signs. How do they really work? Technically speaking, it is inserting and removing chargeable fiber optic pegs and programming messages on the programmable LED electronic displays with a wireless remote control. This gives the capability to create neon-like, high intensity, light signs and create unique signs to your specifications that you can design and change anytime you want. Some are oval style neon sign with flashing motion which is very bright and could really catch your customer's eye. It is easy to install and comes with a 1 year warranty. These flashing signs also have a on/off flasher option.

Want more? It's totally cheap but each neon sign offers high quality which makes it definitely perfect for business. Try going out tonight and you will see that these bright cool flashing signs are indeed attractive. Party goers who are out on a Saturday nights will not miss the captivating flashing neon signs in various commercial establishments, be it a fine dining restaurant or a drive thru food chain. The bright lights sure draw attention to your store, and of course to your products and services.

Create an irresistible urge for your buyers to say yes to your offers. Pay attention to what your market wants, and they will pay you a great deal.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Why is Neon Perfect for Your Business?

Neon signs are every other small company's favorite because it's versatile, cheap and easy-to-find. The thing is, before you start jumping into the bandwagon of neon sign fans, you must first understand what it is, why it is one of the best options for an outdoor sign, and most of all, why it is economically friendly.

What is Neon, Really?

A neon light is a glass tube containing neon, argon or krypton which is at low pressure. The opposite ends of this glass tube are made up of metal electrodes. When you use high voltage for the electrodes, the neon gas will ionize and it will cause electrons to flow through. Such electrons will ignite the neon atoms and this makes for the birth of the neon light. The aforementioned process is the process for emitting red neon light. For other colors, other gases will have to be used. Also, a neon light is usually made up of long and narrow glass tubes (often bent to form letters or images) but a fluorescent light is just one glass tube which has a "standard" size and it just flows through a straight tube. But you don't really wanna use fluorescent for advertising, do you?

Is Neon Really For You?

Why of course! Neon light is easily visible. When you talk about eye-catching, neon lights will surely top anyone's list. If your business opens during the night, it is most useful that you get something which can be easily seen from afar. Moreover, neon signs are pretty common. When people see a neon sign, they will automatically assume that it's a business; that it's some form of an advertisement. So neon signs already have a place in a consumer's mind. (Saves time for establishing seller/prospect customer rapport building.) Meaning, if something is in neon, something is (supposed to be) for sale. Lastly, neon signs are very cheap and it's easy to find them! In fact, it is advised that you look through the Internet for design choices. Usually there are hundreds of designs ready-made and there are also a lot of suppliers which cater to customized neon signs.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Say it Without Words...

A Quick Guide to Outdoor Advertising

They say advertising is, more often than not, the first type of contact between a certain brand / company and a consumer. It is the time when a certain stimulus reaches the senses of the consumer and s/he starts to build impressions regarding the company.And usually, this "first contact" behaves like a first date: it's very, very crucial. So it's also important that the company really thinks their outdoor advertisements through. Outdoor advertising is defined by a reputable business dictionary as "advertising on bill boards, sign boards, neon signs, outside of a building and often by the roadside". So when exposure gets as random as this, a company needs to have a really catchy sign with, if they can, a really catchy phrase.

The colors depend on what business you are in. For example, you own a barber shop; therefore, you must not lose the quintessential red, white and blue pole. There are certain color associations that go with every product. If you are selling flowers, put some pastel colors in your sign. If you are selling men's wear, put some masculine colors in your sign. Neon is a very versatile choice especially if your shop opens during the night. Remember, the eyes respond to colors first, then when the eyes like what it's seeing, that's the time when it tells the brain to read what is written.

Your sign should be like a mini skirt: long enough to cover the subject but short enough to be interesting. Do not publish a novelette. Experts say the healthy number is 3 – 6 words only. So keep it at that bracket. You will want to stir interest from the people who just happen to pass by and those who have never heard about your company. When they like what they read, they might tell their friends about it. And when you've got a shorter phrase displayed, it's easier to remember. You may use very strong imagery so you don't have to use a lot of words.

The arrangement refers the whole ensemble. The impact that the sign creates must be very haunting that even when somebody who had just seen it closes his eyes, he'd memorize every detail of it. Use imagery that has a direct association with the product. This is the sum of the how the words and the colors play. Sometimes the colors are right and the words are powerful but they are arranged wrongly. Get a skilled layout artist to do this job and get a lot of opinions from different people.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Its time to "Glow your Business"

Thats right, the new year is almost here and you know you have some left over marketing monies to spend or you have a brand new budget for advertising in 2009. So what are you going to be spending your money on? You could hire another sales person or maybe spend some on more newspaper or yellow page ads and maybe you will get some return on your investment. I say you spend some of that hard earned money on a neon sign that will surely top out your ROI. A salesperson can cost you salary plus benefits whereas a neon sign is only 1 price. And yes, there is a HUGE difference in cost and price. Cost means you continously pay and price is 1 time only. So pick yourself up a quality real neon sign for your business that can act as a salesperson all year long for over 10 years for a very cheap price. From open signs to beer signs to massage therapy and beauty neon signs, we have you covered.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Neo Link Neon Letters

These are the cheapest way to have a custom neon sign on the market today. Revolutionary technology introduces the Neo-Link neon letters. Perfect for creating whatever sign you need or want. You can buy individual letters and mix and match your message daily if you choose to do so. The best part of all is that these custom neon signs are great for advertising even in your car or truck! Because of the optional car adapter, you can take these neon letters to your auto, taxi, bus or anything that has a cigarette lighter plug. Showcase your love for your team, let your delivery drivers feature your phone number or just add some flair to your after market vehicle. No matter what your message, these Neo-Link letters are sure to draw attention and at the very least get some heads turning.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Cheap NFL Neon Signs

Its mid-season now and we are clearing out all of our old inventory in preparation for 2009 and therefore our Neon NFL Clocks and NFL Neon Signs are all on sale! If you are looking for the ultimate NFL gift, decoration or souvenir for the ultimate football fan, this is your chance to pick up an authentic neon sign at cheap prices. This only happens once a year and once they are gone, they will be gone forever. All our NFL signs are only $339.99 and our NFL football clocks are only $99.99.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Neons for Small Business

In today's economic slide, its important, more than ever, to let your potential customers know and understand what services you offer or when you are open or closed or even your specialty. Adding a quality neon sign handcrafted with real genuine neon is a perfect and economical solution to drawing the attention your business deserves.

For example, just yesterday we had a business owner call to get a neon body shop sign for the front of his building. He added the outdoor sign upgrade so he could mount the sign directly over his doors on the outside of his auto body shop. This is a perfect example of using neon signs to showcase your specialty.

Another customer called this morning and ordered a neon open sign that would let his customers know that he was open 24 hours per day. This is crucial for small business owners because at 2am when folks are out and about, they don't want to wonder if you are open or not. Adding a neon sign to your business is like having a full time salesperson working for you and for a fraction of the cost.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Neon Open Signs

Its important for business owners to make sure they let their customers know when they are open for business which is why a neon open sign is perfect for any type of business that has public appeal. Not only does a quality neon sign send a message to your customers that you are available to help them but it also is a means of advertising. Since mainstream advertising is so dang expensive, its nice to know that any business owner can afford a neon open sign for their door, window or walls. Our most popular design (as shown) is only $149.99 and measures 32" wide x 13" tall. This neon open sign will glow brightly with real neon gas handmade by experienced neon glass benders. Grab a new open sign made with neon and watch new customers head to your business like a moth to a flame. Neon signs really are captivating.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cheap Neon Signs

There are literally hundreds of other neon manufacturers and online sites selling neon signs. You may have seen the same images being displayed on multiple sites which raises questions about who is actually designing and creating these neon signs. Who has the cheapest prices, who has free shipping, who actually is real and not real.

Well to clear things up, we are a real neon distributor and manufacturer of custom neon signs. We import our stock neons directly from an American owned neon sign manufacturer overseas. This directly effects you because we can keep the costs to a minimum. This direct savings for you is great for small business owners looking for cheap neon signs.

All of our custom signs are made right here in the USA to your specifications. Because we manage our custom sign orders right on site, we are able to send you a direct proof before we start on your custom neon sign but most importantly, we are able to make your neon sign fast, efficiently and at rock bottom pricing.

In the end, most shoppers make their decision based on piece of mind. That is where we excel. We answer our phones and emails immediately, we honor our guarantees, we have the cheapest prices on the web and back it with a price match guarantee and we have a 100% no breakage guarantee.

When you are ordering a stock or custom neon sign for your home, office, or business, its important to know that you are dealing with a real company that cares about your needs. This is why provides cheap neon signs that can be purchased 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year long.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Neon NFL Football Helmets

Football season officially starts tonight! The Washington Redskins will face off against the defending Superbowl Champs, the New York Giants which is sure to be a blockbuster event. To celebrate the kickoff of the football season, we just added all the NFL teams in a very nice neon helmet. These small neon NFL helmets are perfect for fans and make an awesome gift. Choose from all teams with vibrant colors of neon showcasing the helmet design. If you are looking for something larger and want just the NFL team logo, please be sure to visit our Neon NFL Teams section. Of course, all of our neons are made by real glass benders and feature genuine neon gas. We hope you enjoy our NFL Neons just as much as we do and of course we wish your team the best of luck...except when they play the Washinton Redskins!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Neon Open Signs - Cheap and Affordable

There is really only one neon sign that business owners care about and that is the Neon Open Sign. It seems that all business owners have one thing in common and that one thing is that their business is either open, or its closed. With that said, there are many ways to showcase your store hours. Yellow pages, vinyl lettering on door fronts, TV commercials, radio spots, flyers and mailers. But there is no better way to let your potential shoppers know that you are open than a neon sign. Simply gorgeous, an Open neon sign can attract attention from over a block away. Couple that with a flashing transformer and you can really draw in a crowd. Our Neon Open Signs are cheap and function for years for pennies. Its like having a full time sales person on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year long.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

NFL Night Lights

A die hard football fanatic will sure want to sleep thinking about his favorite NFL team's signature moves and breathtaking winning styles. Celebrate your team spirit till night with these stylish NFL night lights. These NFL team night lights will look fabulous on your bedrooms , offices, hallways or anywhere you would like your NFL team spirit to bring some ray of light at. You are sure that these NFL collectibles are made of high quality materials that would bring superb LED illumination allowing you to enjoy a perfect glow in the still of the night. An NFL night light is also nice way for little kids' bedrooms. It motivates your little bundle of joys to get into sports particularly football. Remember the old saying, "the more, the merrier" and time will come that your kids or nephews will be the ones bugging you to watch a football game with them. Technology has made it easier when you own an NFL night light as it doesn't require you to change the bulb, thanks to the latest LED technology. What makes an NFL night light even more economical is that it lasts for years giving you unforgettable bright nights. Another great thing about NFL night lights is that these are on sale at an amazingly low discounted prices, so grab them while they're hot!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Neon NFL Signs

Owning one of the 32 neon NFL signs is a great way to show your passion for your favorite football team.Whether you're a football fanatic, or just fond of collecting NFL memorabilia, neon NFL signs are always an interesting sight to behold be it in your mini bar,dorm room,gameroom, bar or anywhere you wish to show it off. One of these will absolutely captivate your attention, the best NFL team you have been rooting for ever since. It will also sure to dazzle your friends, classmates and loved ones, enticing them to grab their own neon NFL signs , too. Now you don't have to envy your favorite bar for displaying your favorite team's logo artistically made into a the radiant piece of neon NFL sign . Now it's a dream come true to mount the very same neon NFL sign on your wall.

Friday, August 15, 2008

NFL Neon Signs

In celebration of America's most popular sport, we are proudly showing off thirty-two fabulous neon NFL signs for the thirty-two NFL teams from various cities and regions across America. It is brightly created for the die-hard football fan in you who can't get enough just watching your favorite team play on the field. Bring home one of these all-authentic NFL logos artistically crafted on a neon NFL sign . It certainly shows your team pride and let your peers or customers know which football team is the greatest. All of these 32 neon NFL signs are made of high-quality neon. It will absolutely bring great illumination to your den, garage, gameroom, mini-bar, dorm room and your business establishment. So the next time you want to show your contagious NFL team spirit, don't forget to grab one of these eye-catching official neon NFL signs from us!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Ice Cream Neon Signs

Imagine asking ten people what their favorite summer treat is and surely 9 out of 10 will tell you that they cannot resist eating the world's all-time favorite dessert...Ice cream! This classic comfort food is visible everywhere through these colorful ice cream neon signs. It works effectively in enticing ice cream lovers to grab a cone or even a tub of their favorite ice cream flavors. Ice cream neon signs are considered the ultimate eye candy especially during the summer season. Kids of all ages are sure to get captivated by these neon signs. These oh-so-yummy pieces of neon art come in various designs and colors and at rock bottom prices. Along with ice cream neon signs, store owners can choose to spice up their entrances with shakes neon signs, smoothies neon signs, shake malt neon sign, frozen yogurt neon signs, ice cream cakes neon signs, banana split neon signs and a lot more.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Custom LED Signs

Nowadays, getting what you want for your business advertising requirements isn't hard to come by anymore. Custom LED signs make it easy for business owners to create their distinctive signs at a reasonably affordable price. LED signs have become great alternative to neon signs because of their brilliance. Now businesses can go along way with these bright and inexpensive custom LED signs made according to their color choice, logo, design and size they choose. You can include graphics, animation or borders to make your very own custom LED sign unique and attractive. Customers will be happy to now that these custom LED signs are safe and are of low voltage yet with great illumination even in broad daylight. They are likewise easy to install and are absolutely low maintenance. Interested clients can just send all the specifications they need for their custom LED sign and Bright neon signs will immediately evaluate all these and send them back with a special price quote.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

LED Channel Letters

Business owners wanting their shops and stores to be noticed have made great choices in getting LED Channel Letters . For many years neon signs have been the automatic choice when it comes to signs particularly in illuminating LED Channel Letters . It is pleasantly surprising, however to note that LED Channel Letters have proven to be a popular alternative lighting option. Aside from the glowing brilliance it gives to captivate existing and potential customers, LED Channel Letters offer lower energy cost and long lifespan that can last for over 10 long years. The birth of LED Channel Letters has ultimately made a breakthrough in the sign illumination technology,thus, providing customers and manufacturers alike more choices in designing their preferred business signs.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

LED Scrolling Signs

Choosing to get a LED Sign to boost your business mileage gives you a wide array of options to choose from. You can opt to have the ever popular LED open sign which effortlessly draws attention from customers and passersby. The next big thing about LED signs are the LED scrolling signs which are perfect for a lot of business and personal purposes. The Personal LED message sign, for instance, is specially designed for the desktop and in the back window of cars and automobiles. This is a perfect solution for mobile advertising as it captures the attention of everyone in the vicinity where the vehicle is either parked or passing through. Another set of LED scrolling signs which are sure which to be sensational hit in any commercial establishment are the LED message signs. Customers have the option to choose the height of characters for the LED message signs. It varies from 1 inch up to 4 inches character height. It can be programmable from the PC in one's local area network and is capable to receive news, stocks and sport updates via satellite. These features however require the user internet access and optical receiver to fully enjoy what this dynamic LED scrolling sign has to offer. Business owners can now keep up with the latest in advertising technology by investing on one of these colorful and attractive pieces of LED art.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Custom Neon Signs

If you want to have your own design put on a neon sign
for your business and home use then having a custom neon sign is just the one that you need. You have endless possibilities in creating a one-of-a kind masterpiece that will capture everyone's fancy. Custom neon signs are available in most neon signs stores and internet sites. Custom neon signs can be usually ordered at a standard flat amount based on the size for the cost of the neon sign and customers are subsequently charged by the number of letters or characters they want on it. You can use your creative art genius as to the special effects like the flash, colors, font style and border options to spice up your very own neon sign to give it a more distinctive look.

Choosing to acquire a custom neon sign sign indeed gives you the freedom to control your costs and everything about the specifications you want in creating a neon sign that will bring a major breakthrough for your business and home decoration.

Neon Pictures

Another major milestone in the signs industry is the birth of this so-called framed electric art creation, the neon picture. This will allow you to have any picture of you choice be beautifully lighted with the special effects of authentic neon, fiber optics, LED lights or incandescent bulbs in its full neon glory. Business owners and those neon art lovers can now feast their eyes looking at what seemed to be a simple and plain picture before but is now artistically enhanced for various purposes. Neon pictures are mainly made for businesses that need to capture the attention of its customers such as bars, pubs, restaurants, boutiques and specialty shops and lot more. More and more neon enthusiasts have likewise started decorating their workplace and homes with these irresistible neon pieces. And who wouldn't be enticed to turn their abode into a bright sight to behold? Parties, special gatherings and get-togethers seem to be much fun and inviting having these neon pictures around. Plus it gives a cozy feeling to anybody who walks and join the party.

A lot of interesting designs and themes are commonly captured in neon pictures such as famous celebrities and personalities from the 50's and 60's, vintage beer ads,rock and roll bands, scenic spots all over the world and many more. It can last usually from three to ten years and comes with product warranty. Custom pictures however are more expensive than pictures shown on display in stores and in the internet as these ready-made ones are mass-produced which allows ultimate savings from additional production costs.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Neon Business Signs

In the world of business, the need to get noticed has become the main concern of business owners and advertisers. They constantly find ways to reinvent themselves to catch the attention of every customer--be it an existing or prospective client. Neon business signs have stood the test of time in giving fabulous illumination for any business establishment you can think of. Neon signs are almost like eye magnets that captivates the fancy of motorists and passersby. Indeed, businesses all over the world have long since trusted neon business signs' capacity to boost their sales and profits. The perks and advantages are so great compared to the amount they actually spent in getting the neon business sign itself. To give businessmen a lot of options, various neon business signs are available in the market such as auto repair, barber shop, cellular phone, hair salon, insurance, flowers, mailbox, pharmacy, travel agency and many others.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Neon Restaurant Signs and Bakery Neon Signs

We know that a sure way to a person's heart is through his stomach. So when these beaming lights of various neon signs capture the attention of motorists and passersby, restaurant owners know that acquiring these captivating lights has rightly served their purpose. bakery neon signs, for instance simply make bread lovers crave for their favorite oven-baked goodies just by looking at these fabulous neon signs . They could almost smell the delicious aroma of freshly baked breads as showcased in most of the bakery neon signs available in the market.

Hungry motorists on the other hand, find these neon restaurant signs very handy in telling them that a food store or restaurant is just around the corner to satisfy their discriminating palates.

Amidst the sea of restaurants sprawling over a lot of busy streets in the city, store owners would rather spend a fraction of an amount compared to what they usually pay for magazine or newspaper ads. These neon restaurant signs will make their businesses the center of attraction to entice customers to come and visit them.

Neon ATM Signs

In this world where almost all things are done with just a touch of either computer keys or buttons of electronically-powered machines, one can't help but think about the wonders of ATM machines. Nearly everyone in major cities come flocking to this very indispensable machine; be it in malls, gasoline or bus stations, or just about any place imaginable. Wee hours will find droves of individuals going up for emergency cash. Weekends and holidays are likewise peak times for a typical ATM machine, seeing people come lining up to get precious cash to get stuff from the grocery or pay up some bills.

This is the real reason why the neon signs industry has created a major mileage in attracting customers with these brightly colored neon ATM signs. Convenience store and specialty shop owners, gas station operators will find it strategic if they place an neon ATM sign by their store front as this will bring more foot traffic not just to the ATM machines but also to the stores and shops as well.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Neon Coffee Signs

How many times have you been walking down a busy city street and never even noticed that you walked right by a nice little coffee shop on the corner? It makes total sense because its a busy street and in today's society everyone appears to be in a rush. But what if this same little coffee shop had a brightly glowing neon sign in the would surely attract more attention and you would have stopped in a long time ago. Now that you spotted this quiet spot with WiFi access, you crash in the comfy chairs each night and just chill. Next thing ya know you have told your friends and now all of you hang out in your perfect spot and enjoy a hot cup of java.

If you are a coffee shop owner then imagine how many other clusters of customers you could be losing each and every day. You don't have to go through this, for a few bucks you can add a brightly glowing neon sign in your window and attract those busy people and entice them to stop in and see what your business has to offer.

We have a huge line of gorgeous coffee shop neon signs to choose from so stop letting potential customers pass on by and purchase yourself a 24-7 salesperson to help you get more customers.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

LED Open Signs

Have you ever considered the purchase of an LED sign for your storefront? This is a great alternative to neon signs and the animation can really draw attention. Our LED Open Signs are some of the best in the industry and have a 1 year warranty.

The most common LED signs are the one seen here and the ever popular Deco Style LED Open Sign. LED signs are brighter than neon and feature flashing options. Perfect for any business establisment and any budget, these LED Open Signs are only $99.99! Grab one of our featured LED Open Signs for your business and let customers know that you are open and ready for business...which really means, "Come on in and spend your money!"

Monday, June 30, 2008

Neon Bar Signs

If you own a bar or night spot, you simply must have your establishment surrounded with neon bar signs. From a brightly glowing cocktails neon sign to a happy hour neon sign, your potential customers will relax and spend more money when they are surrounded by neon lights. The power of neon can set the mood for bar or game room and add that missing element that everyone flocks towards.

Having neon signs in your club sets a mood that people just love and we carry a huge assortment of neon signs for any business and all occassions.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Neon Open Signs

Ever notice when you purchase a new car or truck, you immediately notice how many other people have the exact same car and truck as you? Its weird how that works but evidently it works the same way with Neon Signs. Since we launched our website, I notice every glowing neon in storefronts as I drive around the city. In larger cities, neon signs are even more prevalent. Most larger cities could shut off normal lights and the glow of neon would still light up downtown.

The most popular are the Neon Open Signs. Letting customers know that your establishment is open for business from a block away makes it easy for customers to stop on in and take advantage of your hours. The power of neon is like having a full time salesperson on your staff that works 24 hours per day, 7 days per week for pennies.

Grab a large open neon sign for your business and watch potential customers flock in to your business.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Team Time With Neon Clocks

If you walk into any true sports fans den, you'll find all sorts of sport memorabilia celebrating their favorite team. How does the true fan ensure they never miss a game? With one of our great looking licensed neon clocks of course!

Featuring team logos from the NFL, NBA, and MLB, our neon clocks make a superb gift choice if you're shopping for the hardcore fan. For the fan looking for that "over the top" touch for their sports cave, you can't go wrong having your favorite team brightly displaying the time until that next critical game.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Keep It Glowing With A Neon Sign Power Supply

The nighttime comes alive in any town or city and you can see it vividly through the many ordinary and extraordinary neon signs that mark roadside businesses and attractions, whether they be the vacancy signs outside the motels or the late hours restaurants announcing that they are indeed open. Las Vegas takes it to the next level, offering a visual extravaganza that should be seen at least once in one's lifetime.

How does all that glitz and pizazz happen? What enables the glowing visual feast? The humble neon sign power supply does it all. Quietly working in the background, it electrifies the gases filling the neon tubes and controls the voltage, intensity, and illumination that give neon signs their instant appeal and eyeball-attracting qualities.

How many times have you driven down Main Street USA and seen neon signs that have obviously suffered some sort of burn out? Yes, it's mostly a mundane occurrence that signals a need for maintenance, but there are those memorable moments where inadvertent spellings or unintended visual affects result from a neon sign's breakdown. No business usually wants that sort of attention, so it's always wise to keep the neon sign power supply in good working order; check your sign and get a replacement neon sign power supply today!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Neon Tanning Salon Signs Save You Money

Since its production in the early 80s, tanning salons have become popular in America and Europe. Tanning salons uses tanning beds or sunbeds which emit ultraviolet radiation used to give a cosmetic tan. Over the years, tanning salons in America use neon signs as the yardstick in acquiring their signages. Tanning salon business owners realize the importance of neon tanning salon sign as it gives customers' attention focused to their shops. This could be analyzed by the fact that their business basically about getting clients lay directly underneath a warm shining bulb that is really like a neon light. Hanging a neon tanning salon sign makes the tanning theme alive in their shops. Adding other design details on the neon sign such as beaches, palm trees or sunshine will make it even more captivating. Neon tanning salon sign messages like "Tanning", "Walk Ins Welcome" or "Spray Tanning" are the most common ones available.

It is an amazing fact that tanning neon signs are the most affordable means of advertising for your tanning shop as customers will drive more often to you when they see those glowing signs inviting them to come over. For the equivalent cost of a single newspaper advertisement, tanning neon signs will be there working for 24 hours a day. After paying for the neon sign itself, it just only cost you very small amount of money per day to keep it working. The amount paid to a single newspaper ad will only last for a day making its way to the recycling container to be lost forever; while neon tanning salon signs will still be there getting people's attention to your business for the years to come

Grab A Neon College Sign Now

Everybody loves to remember good old college days. Rekindling the joys and excitement of the college spirit you once had, always bring smiles on everyone's faces. One way of reviving college memories is through neon college signs. Bright neon colored lights best symbolize your support to your respective alma mater or your favorite NCAA college or university. Avid fans, students, teachers and alumni can have fun displaying neon college signs almost everywhere in homes, bar and other business location.

As for the business aspect, having a neon college sign in your establishment projects an image attracting both college students and college students at heart. Even televisions, newspapers, magazines or any other form of advertising cannot compare how college signs attract its target market. It creates a special bonding when they see the brilliance of the neon lights displaying their school logo. In addition, it provides a visible and lasting message for your business. Passersby notice it easily as it works without fail 24/7.

For available logos of schools and teams, it is so easy to browse online catalogs of these neon signs. Owning a college sign is very cost-effective bringing in the benefit of powerful advertising to the company. It sells your wares right outside your store door prompting the customer to enter and make a purchase at that moment. Manufacturers are just a phone call away, and orders can also be done in the internet. So what are you waiting for? Go grab a college neon sign now and be one of the countless happy owners of these items.

The World Of Neon MLB Signs

Since its birth in the 1900s, MLB or Major League Baseball has been the highest level of play in North American professional baseball. Somebody even once said, "Baseball is not just a national pastime, but also national treasure." This the reason why neon MLB signs are made. Baseball fanatics just can't get enough of baseball memorabilia and collectible items such as baseballs, baseball bats, jackets, shirts, hats, baby apparels, stuffed animals, watches, jewelry, towels and what have you. For a real baseball guru, neon MLB sign is the ultimate addition to his prized collection. The attractive neon color signs that radiate and blink will add spark to your game, garage, or record room. Parties will also be even more upbeat and lively with it. If you own a bar or cafe, customers will be delighted to see their favorite MLB teams and players on neon MLB signs posted on the walls and windows. Mind you, owning one of these is as exciting as the game itself. The more common MLB team lighted logos are those of Chicago Cuds, LA Dodgers, New York Yankees, Cleveland Indians, Boston Red Sox and many more. These are all officially licensed for manufacturing and sale so you don't have to worry.

So if you’re a great baseball fan or your family or friends are, it is about time you started buying neon MLB signs for them. They will surely treasure these forever.

Manufacturers of neon signs can most of the time be reached for orders thru the phone, fax and thru the internet. Shipping may around two or three days; and no returns or product exchanges are allowed due to the nature of neons.

The Thrill About Neon NBA Signs

Go NBA!!! Real NBA (National Basketball Association) fanatics around the world truly appreciate its history and evolution. After all, NBA is the world’s greatest basketball league. Nothing beats the heat and intensity you feel when you watch the game live rooting for your favorite team along with the crowds of people around you. Basketball has in fact grown to become the fastest growing sport in the world. And what more to honor this love for basketball than owning officially licensed neon NBA signs. The thirty NBA teams like Chicago Bulls, Cleveland Cavaliers, Houston Rockets, Los Angeles Clippers, etc. are represented from a wide array of colorful neon NBA signs. Various designs featuring NBA famous players such as Yao Ming, Michael Jordan, Elgin Baylor and many others are available including their trademark playing styles. These gorgeous signs are just so attractive you’ll definitely love to own them for your dorm rooms, game rooms, garage, offices and home bars. They give your home or business with a mixture of unique and warm colors to show your friends and family how much you support your favorite NBA team. They also make excellent give ideas for a true blue NBA fan at heart so he will always see his favorite basketball teams and players be season time or not.

When you buy a neon NBA sign, it usually comes with a 10 ft. power cord to connect into a basic 110v wall outlet. You may ask for custom plugs to meet your specific country requirements. Moreover, a one year warranty comes with every purchase.

Monday, May 5, 2008

TheTrusted Neon ATM Signs

They say money can’t buy everything, but I say we can’t buy without an ATM machine.
ATM machines (short for automated teller machines) have long been a staple in this fast-paced world. Running short of cash on weekends and bank holidays are never a problem anymore as you can withdraw cash almost anywhere with a touch of a few buttons. And how do we know that there’s an ATM around the corner? Yes, thanks to the ever reliable neon ATM signs. These trusted signs direct us to where we withdraw our money in style. Statistics show that an ATM’s usage are largely increased when an neon ATM sign is nearby. It easily grabs the attention of motorists and passersby with its visibly radiant and fiery colors.

Owning a stylish neon ATM sign is a cost effective manner of bringing in foot traffic to you business location. It could also serve a dual-purpose especially when you have a convenient store or gas station business near the ATM machine. Simply put, the ATM sign would not only attract people to use the ATM, but to also shop from the store and buy some gas as well.

Most ATM neon signs are lightweight, easy to use, and ready to plug-in. They come in the usual size of 24’x31”and business owners may choose to either hang it on the window or mount it on walls. Others put it near the counter. Safety measures are taken cared of by the manufacturers of ATM signs because they use safe solid-state transformer.

The Hype On Neon NFL Signs

These are what football fanatics have been going gaga about, neon NFL signs. For a die-hard football fan, having coordinated football paraphernalia complete with matching jerseys, caps, bag, posters, mugs and even sticker at the car is nothing but normal. Believe me, you’re not a real fan if you don’t appreciate all these. And having an official neon NFL signs is the ultimate added bonus. Show off all these, taking pride on your favorite NFL team and telling your friends which football team rocks. And talking about true blue NFL fan such as yourself, all the 32 professional football team logos like the Cowboys, Redskins, 49ers, Steelers, Detroit Lions, and lot more are available including their players and styles. It’ll let you feel the undying NFL team spirit and camaraderie. As someone once said, you’ll get a major touchdown when you own one of these bright signs. These so-called art forms are carefully created to show the authentic designs and colors of your favorite NFL team logo.

And although football seasons come and go, a fan will always be a fan all throughout the year especially when you give a neon sport sign as a present. neon NFL signs will definitely bring life to your garage, game room, den and home bar. Moreover, they are good decors for business establishments, too, keeping the NFL season alive all year through.

Installing it has never been a problem since you just remove it from the box, display it and secure the edges to avoid electrical circuit problems.

Neon Restaurant Signs Save The Day

Getting more clients to patronize a business venture has always been the goal of every owner. Owning a restaurant makes it a more crucial and challenging task. It’s a known fact that people eat to live. So day in and day out millions of people make their way to get something to eat, be it from fast food joints, restaurants, cafeterias, coffee shops, grills, fine dining restaurants or food stalls. neon restaurant signs could very well take advantage of the foot traffic a food business has. It offers a value for your money as more hungry customers come flocking your store when they see the inviting food signs. What more, neon restaurant signs are far better than those clone neon restaurant signage as these are custom made with real neon. And they’re almost priced the same. Soft glow restaurant signs are a great way to perk up cafes of coffee shops, giving it a cozy atmosphere making people want to stay longer and order some more. Now, isn’t that great? Not only that neon restaurant signs are inexpensive ways to make your business presence felt. The more innovative signs you have hung at your shops, the more people will be interested to look and see what you have to offer. No rain, snow, or fog can stop people from looking at your restaurant as neon light will cut through night time and daytime.

Restaurant signs are also fantastic for university lunchrooms, drive thrus, highway food stops, pizza parlors and lot more food related businesses. Special discounted prices are given to restaurant owners and resellers who want to distribute restaurant neon signs to other business owners are very welcome.

Beers In A Neon Sign, Anyone?

A bar without a beer is like a pen without an ink. Beer has been a tradition at all pubs, bars, dance clubs. The same goes for a bar without a neon beer sign. Having a drink of beer is synonymous to making friends. It breaks the monotony and serves as unspoken icebreaker. And what makes it more complete is by having neon beer signs all over the place. Feast your eyes with the lovely letters in vivid colors as beer signs showcase different varieties and brands of beer. Drink some more beer and it'll make you thirst for more, you'll think it’s real just by looking at the beer signs.

Colorful advertising with neon beer signs is a plus for bar managers and owners. However cool dudes and dudettes also can put neon beer sign accents in their record rooms, poker rooms, pool houses, dens and home bars. These signs have now become famous in fraternity houses, dormitory rooms and other locations.

Installing neon beer signs won't pose a problem since beer signs at this day and age are basically much lighter than those old style beer signs. Recently manufactured neon signs also are built with safety mechanisms and they have very light transformers compared to the bulky ones of the old beer signs. They can be bought by businesses such as pubs and restaurants at a discounted package.

Moreover if a particular franchise or beer brand goes out of existence, neon beer signs suddenly become collector’s items which make it even more valuable.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Why Neon Signs are the Life of the Party

A good bar, pub, night club or pool hall isn’t complete without the ever reliable neon bar sign . Almost any place that offers alcoholic drinks and wines always have bright neon signs all over their establishments. It is because a bar sign does its job effectively to accentuate the place with colorful designs like beer logos, famous sport teams or simply to announce the happy hour. Having neon bar signs spices the ambience and makes you feel like you’ve just entered a different world. Moreover, bar signs go with the bar’s upbeat and lively atmosphere. The idea is when people appreciate the bar just because they like the place; they tend to spend more money. Things like these make the bar owners happy, knowing fully well they made the right decision in owning neon bar signs.

Innovative minds, on the other hand, may create a bar look in their own homes particularly in the home bar and game room. Hosting a party indoors is a good way of making use of bar signs and it also has become a favorite in beautifying college dormitory rooms. Famous
neon bar signs are the beer signs like as Corona and Miller. Meanwhile, there are other ingenious flourescent bar signs like Cocktails; Juke Box Café; Rock n Roll; “Its 5 O’clock Somewhere” and countless others. What more, choices for unique dance clubs are likewise available.

Neon bar signs are not only colorful; they’re also friendly and inviting. Mostly, they are at an affordable price that ranges from $200 to $600.

Shopping for a Neon Sports Sign

What a cool thing for all sport lovers, and fanatics to display an all-new bright and graphic neon sports sign. It spices up your sports bar, game room, pool house or den, giving you the sporty ambience you’ve always wanted. Experience the ultimate gaming atmosphere as you indulge your eyes to a wide variety of team colors plus a lot of choices on all licensed neon sports signs . If you like baseball there a lot of NFL neon signs to choose from. Neon NBA signs on the other hand will satisfy the discriminating tastes of those basketball buffs. It is sure a pride to have an official licensed NBA neon sign of the team you root for like Chicago Bulls, Miami Heat, Los Angeles Clippers, Detroit Pistons and many others. If you’re into action and fighting on the ice, NHL neons are for you. We know that America adores baseball as its favorite hobby so we have a large number of official MLB neon signs available to tickle your fancy. There eleven neon sign team logos available for this which include the Cardinals, Braves, Dodgers, Indians, White Sox to name a few. Moreover, also available are favorite university and college team logos which are specially presented in bold, radiant neon colors.

Some neon sports signs manufacturers even produce innovative lines of neon sports clocks and LED night lights with logos of favorite professional teams on them. These can be fabulous gift ideas for all occasions. Delivery of orders on these signs is usually done in two days after leaving the warehouse. And they come shipped in a specially made carton that greatly minimizes the chances of breakage from the factory to customer location. All neon sports signs customers are given a one year limited warranty.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Neon Signs in Business Style

In the world of business where competition is stiff, nothing is more important than attracting as many walk-in customers as you can. And this is what neon business signs has to offer. These radiantly colored signs have a lot of advantages as it gives your money’s worth for giving your business the image that it needs. You will surely stand out from your competition and feel the increase in sales and customer base with a business neon sign. It sets itself apart from ordinary signs because of the neon inside the specially shaped tube, thus providing your company a real appeal. It is considered to be the most effective and least costly way to advertise as banners or streamers can only be distinguishable in daytime but neon can be fabulously seen day or nighttime for hundreds of feet. Please take note that amazingly 30% of traffic on almost all business areas happen when it is dark. People can view your sign only if it’s brightly lighted when it is dark outside. This includes dark days when everybody else’s sign is illuminated. With a large number of people moving every year, your business sign will steadily be seen by a lot prospective clients.

Neon business signs come in variety of sizes, shapes and colors. Suppliers often has lots of signs to fit any kind of business ranging from nail and tanning salon, flower store, coffee shop to professional offices, mechanics, the restaurant and food industry. It must at all times look as nice as it looked the moment it was first displayed so customers will not have a negative impression of your business as the business sign depreciates.

Open Neon Signs On The Loose

This one important neon sign is the answer to your store's visibility requirements. Not only will it provide your store a higher number of foot traffic it also lets your customer know that you're open and you have the things they are looking for. Simply put, these signs welcome them in your business. Neon open signs are also catchy bright lights having fun and exciting fonts. This is the very edge it has as it attracts attention, which is the goal of any businessperson. The usually affordable, lightweight, and result-oriented neon open signs come in various shapes and sizes. It could be either horizontal, vertical and cursive. You can display it in storefront windows, doorways, entrance, nearby commercial properties and many other locations you can think of. This is also suitable for any kind of business especially like retail stores, beauty salons, barber shops, automotive shops, restaurants, night clubs, bars, casinos, specialty service establishments or even a small office, etc.. To make it even more attractive and eye-catching, customers prefer to order neon signs in various interesting shapes and designs such as pizza, ice cream cones or differently colored fluorescents and many other endless possibilities.

Most often custom-made, neon open signs can be ordered in various sizes between 7” by 13” to 20” by 48”. There are more than 50 exciting neon colors available to suit the business purpose. The price ranges between 50$- 350$ depending on the size of the sign, colors and materials used.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Neon Open Signs

"Hey, we're open for business!" Okay great, but can your customers notice that? If you're a roadside business or a little shop in a shopping mall, you need to get yourself noticed and there's no better way than a Neon Open Sign!

Our Open Signs can do more than simply announce that your doors are open with some great looking style, but they can also give your customers and potential customers information about store hours or point them in the right direction to your doorstep. We've got a great selection of signs that vary in size, styling, orientation, coloring, and even language!

Having a great looking Neon Open Sign in your window draws customers in plus they are far more effective than the small and simple placards you find in many store windows. How many times have you seen one of those small placards declaring that the store is open when it's clearly not? It's hard to ignore a bright neon sign! Visibility is the name of the game, light up your business with one of our great looking neon signs!